Lost your keys?
Let us help you get back on in safely

Automotive Commercial Residential

emergency service when you need it the most for your vehicle
It's all too familiar - I can't find my car keys anywhere and I'm late for work. I've searched every pocket of every item of clothing, all the nooks and crannies, even under furniture and in obscure corners of the room. Nothing. Trying to find your car keys can be a daunting task; often even if you have searched everywhere, they still remain elusive. On the bright side, at Bryman's Locksmith we offer services for your specific situation. Don't risk trying to open up the locks on your own, you could cause serious damage to the doors and locks.

Emergency lost car key replacement
You're walking to your car and you suddenly realize you don't have your keys! What do you do? Give us a call at Bryman's Locksmith, we can help you get back on the road safely in Columbus, Ohio. With our extensive inventory in stock, will be able to provide you with a car key replacement the same day. We service all years makes and models including but not limited to Honda, VW, Toyota, GM and Ford to name a few. We have access to OEM programming and keys for the newest vehicles so you don't have to tow it to a dealership as were mobile and come to you to complete the key fob replacement service. Dealerships can be expensive and time consuming, we can provide you with a key replacement that fits your budget so you can save your money for other things in life that are most important to you.
Did you shut your locked door not realizing your car keys were still inside your vehicle? It can happen, it happened to me twice in one day before I was a locksmith, so I understand the frustration you're having right now. Luckily for you we only service emergency car lockouts if your in our area. If your in Columbus, Ohio or Dublin, Plain City, Hilliard or Marysville your in luck because were not far away from you! Give us a call at (614) 787-4124 and we can get you back in and starting your car in no time. If you can wait a while and are on a budget give your local police a call and ask them to assist you with lockout service, sometimes in rural areas they can assist you better than a locksmith can. If your worried they might break your window, give the pros a call. We can open both framed and frameless window doors, for all those convertible lovers we have you covered.
Automotive Door Lock Repair
Are you having issues with a door lock no longer wanting to lock or unlock with your key fob? It could be your locking mechanism is no longer working correctly. Sometimes the linkage can get disconnected and needs to be reinstalled with new door rod clip. Other times the door lock actuator will fail and will no longer provide motor functions for the lock to go up or down. Honda's are notorious for this to happen. Are you having issues with your key just not wanting to turn left or right to manually lock your doors? You may need a new key lock cylinder replacement. Whatever the issue you may have, we can diagnose it and fix it so you can have a fully functional vehicle again.

Having 2 keys is better than 1 just in case you lose one you have a backup so nothing slows you down. Plus getting a spare key is cheaper then when losing your keys all together because a locksmith can copy the information data and key cuts and quickly transfer them to a blank key to be programmed. If your tired of locking your doors manually and want a remote to do it automatically for you, we can program them in. Its always a good idea having a remote if you own a Hyundia as you can arm the car so that it alerts you if a thief is trying to steal your vehicle at night or during the day. When selling your car, it will increase the overall value of it if you have a remote for it and also have a spare key. Remember new vehicles always come with 2 new keys, why not treat yourself the same way if you value your vehicle. Give us a call and will give you a quote right over the phone.
Did you try to start your car but your key will no longer turn in the ignition? Have you already tried turning the steering wheel to free up the steering wheel lock but it still wont work? Unfortunately these are signs of your car key ignition cylinder going out. The wafers inside the lock get worn out over time and can bend and break inside, this causes issues with it be aligned correctly inside to rotate over. What we do is replace the lock cylinder, this saves the customer money from having to replace the ignition steering switch assembly which is an expensive part to replace if done at a Honda dealership. After we have replaced the cylinder, we will reprogram the new keys into the system so they can start. If your having car key ignition switch problems, give us a call and we can help you get it started again.